BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//akademiefresenius// METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20241203T10:0000 DTEND:20241204T12:3000 LOCATION:Leonardo Royal Hotel Köln - Am Stadtwald DTSTAMP:20241213T080000 SUMMARY:8th International Conference: Food Allergens URL;VALUE=URI: DESCRIPTION:Representatives from the industry, the authorities as well as from the medical and scientific fields are presenting the most pressing questions on food allergens at this conference. These include how to deal with clinical aspects and consumer safety, regulatory aspects and scientific matters, as well as industry practice and analytical approaches.\n\n\nDie Akademie Fresenius GmbH \nAlter Hellweg 46 \n44379 Dortmund \nTel: +49 231 75896-50 \nFax: +49 231 75896-53 \ \ \n\nGeschäftsführerin: Anja Staudenmaier \nSitz der Gesellschaft: Dortmund \nGerichtsstand: Dortmund \nHandelsregister Dortmund HRB 11431 \nUSt-IdNr: DE170052253\n\n UID:1734084809-2024-12-03T10:0000-2024-12-04T12:3000 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR