Novel Pesticides

This conference will look at ‘Novel Pesticides’, new substances and biologicals that strive to add to the overall aim of achieving greater sustainability in agricultural practices as there are still many open questions for producers, regulators and down-stream users of innovative substances, such as micro-organism-based PPPs, pheromones, plant extracts, RNAi-based PPPs, peptides, or even antibodies.

Garantierte Durchführung
19.09. — 20.09.2024
Novotel Düsseldorf City West
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Towards Sustainability in the Regulatory Framework of the EU

In their May 2023 REFIT Report on the Evaluation of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, the EU Commission declares the promotion of low-risk-solutions and efficient risk mitigation as one of their future priorities. Yet, many open questions remain for producers and down-stream users of innovative substances, such as micro-organism-based PPPs, pheromones, plant extracts, RNAi-based PPPs, peptides, or even antibodies. This is especially true, since the Sustainable Use Regulation, priorly a key element of ‘Farm-to-Fork’ was voted down in Parliament last November and it does not look like it will be revived.

The meeting will offer a discussion platform to producers, policy makers and regulators to discuss a way forward for innovative pesticides and low-risk substances. It will cover regulatory issues and needs as well as discussing implications for the risk assessment of promising new pesticides.

Conference Highlights

Regulatory Update

  • Update from the Commission – biologicals and other green technologies

Registering Novel Technologies

  • Insights about registering novel technologies – perspectives from various industry players
  • Registration of peptide-based insecticides derived from Spider Venom
  • Registration of peptides as crop protection products: strategies and reflections
  • Challenges and opportunities of registering RNA – a novel technology
  • Competent Authority view on RNAi registrations: First-hand experiences and insights.
  • Crop Life Europe on the assessment of innovative Biochemicals in the EU

Risk Assessment

  • EFSA on scope, objectives, deliverables and timelines of the project ‘Developing a stepwise approach for a fit for purpose risk assessment, in particular for low-concern active substances and uses’
  • Julius Kühn Institute: Risk assessment for novel technologies, with a focus on RNAi
  • A critical point of view: Assessing risks associated with novel pesticides

Who should attend this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Managing directors, managers, consultants and scientists working in the field of biological control
  • Producers, distributors and downstream users of biologicals, pesticides that fall under low-risk category or were specifically developed to increase agricultural sustainability
  • Technical Experts from Research & development
  • Risk assessors
  • Toxicologists
  • Ecotoxicologists
  • Product Stewards
  • Regulators

Sectors that should take part:

  • Agrochemical industry
  • Biotech Industry
  • Research institutes
  • Authorities
  • Professional associations
  • Contract laboratories/consultancies

Picture Credit: © pat – AdobeStock



Thursday, 19 September 2024

PLEASE NOTE: The indicated times refer to Central European Time CEST.

For further time zones, please view here.

Morning Session | 09:30 – 13:05 CEST
On-site registration
Welcome Address by the Organisers and the Chairs

Patrick Kabouw, Novonesis, Denmark
Jacobijn van Etten, Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

Regulatory Developments
Biologicals and other Green Technologies: A Regulatory Update on Activities Besides the SUR

Domenico Deserio, European Commission, Belgium (virtual presentation)

Update from the IBMA: Peptides – Natural Substances at the Tip of a Knowledge Iceberg

Marisé Borja, International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA)

CropLife Europe Contribution on the Assessment of Innovative Biochemicals in the EU
  • Proposition of a suitable data package to address EU Regulatory requirements for innovative biochemicals in the EU
  • Why more clarity on data requirements is needed for biochemicals, outline of structure, key aspects of the contribution document
  • Technical contribution as a starting point to develop a regulatory framework and fit for purpose data requirements for biochemicals in Europe, as already in place in other countries

Michael Werner, Syngenta/CropLife Europe, Switzerland

Coffee break

Registering Novel Technologies
Navigating the Regulatory Maze: Challenges in Registering Proteins as Plant Protection Product
  • Locating Proteins within Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 and in Regulation (EU) No 284/2013
  • Relevant industry insights from experience within the existing enzyme-specific legislative framework

Marija Horvat, Novonesis, Denmark

Registration of Peptides as Crop Protection Products: Strategies and Reflections
  • The Biotalys platform: Principles of the current registration strategy in the EU and Feedback of authorities / Reflections on future strategies

Eva Van Hende, Biotalys, Belgium

Lunch Break

Afternoon Session | 14:05 – 17:30 CEST
Registration of Peptide-based Insecticides derived from Spider Venom
  • History and origins of Vestaron’s venom-based peptide technology
  • Overview of regulatory data for Spear® insecticide
  • Registration in North America
  • Regulatory challenges and opportunities in the EU

Matt Orr, Vestaron, United States

Challenges and Opportunities of Registering RNA – a Novel Technology
  • RNA profile and benefits
  • Designing and developing an RNA product
  • Limitations of current regulatory paradigms
  • Precautionary Principle versus risk benefit approach

Peter Mc Cahon, Greenlight Bioscience, United States

Coffee break
Challenges, Considerations and Current Status for dsRNA-based externally applied Pesticides for Plant Protection in the EU
  • Principles of the authorisation process of Plant Production Products (PPP) in the EU RNAi
  • Challenges for the current risk assessment and management of PPP

Dominik Klinkenbuß Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Germany

Towards Sustainability: Registering Innovative/New Pesticides

Nina Ortiz, US Environmental Protection Agency, United States (virtual presentation)

Practical Experiences with Applications for New Plant Protection Products

Anne Kortstee & Jacobijn van Etten, Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

End of the first conference day
Evening event
After the first conference day you are most welcome to attend our evening event for an unhurried evening of good food and leisure time. Please join us to continue the day’s interesting discussions in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

Friday, 20 September 2024

PLEASE NOTE: The indicated times refer to Central European Time CEST.

For further time zones, please view here.

Morning Session | 09:30 – 13:30 CEST
Brief address by the Chairs

Patrick Kabouw, Novonesis, Denmark
Jacobijn van Etten, Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

Risk Assessment
EFSA on Scope, Objectives, Deliverables and Timelines of the Project ‘Developing a stepwise approach for a fit for purpose risk assessment, in particular for low-concern active substances and uses’

Aude Kinzler, European Food Safety (EFSA), Italy (virtual presentation)

Improving Risk Assessment of Low-Risk Pesticides: The RATION Project

Dimitrios Karpouzas, University of Thessaly, Greece

Modernising Regulatory Science: New Approach Methodologies for Biopesticides
  • In silico and in vitro methods to assess acute toxicity under EU regulation
  • Ongoing developments to tailor NAMs to microbial pesticides

Tess Renahan, PETA Science Consortium International, Germany

Coffee break
Assessment of Novel Pesticides – Which Risks Need to be Assessed?
  • Overview of potential hazards for human health and non-target organisms and the environment (microorganisms, natural substances, peptides and dsRNA)
  • Evaluation of potential hazards and comparison to actual exposure through the use of the products based on the application technique
  • Proposition of Methods to assess such risks – nurturing the idea to evaluate potential risk independently of existing data requirements and risk assessment schemes

Rüdiger Hauschild, Applied Insect Sciences (APIS), United Kingdom

RNA Interference in Plant Protection: Opportunities, Challenges, and Risk Assessment
  • Introduction “Brief overview of RNAi”
  • Efficiency of Exogenous dsRNA Application
  • Challenges in dsRNA Application for plant protection
  • Risk assessment of dsRNA-based pesticides

Khalid Amari, Julius Kühn Institute, Germany

Final Discussion
Lunch and end of the conference






Khalid Amari

Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI), Germany

Khalid Amari (PhD) is an esteemed expert in plant pathology with extensive experience in investigating the molecular interaction between plants and pathogens. He earned his Master and PhD degree in molecular plant pathology. Subsequently, he worked as a research associate at several prestigious European universities and research institutions renowned for their plant physiology and pathology expertise in Spain, France, Switzerland, and Germany. Since 2020, Dr. Amari has been leading the \"Epigenetics and RNAi in plant biotechnology\" team at the Julius Kuehn Institute - Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology in Quedlinburg, Germany.


Marisé Borja

International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA), Spain

Marisé Borja is the Vice Chair of the Natural Substances Professional group at the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA) and Acting President of IBMA Spain. She is Director of Global Regulatory Affairs at SynTech Research Group and Head of Biopesticides at GAB Consulting. She has previously held a position as Advisor to Spain’s Ministry of Science and technology, while also being an Expert for the EU Commission, advising on Research Projects and Policy Development and Monitoring in Agriculture, Environment, and Life Science, Bioethics.


Domenico Deserio

European Commission, Belgium

Domenico Deserio is a Policy Officer in the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission (DG SANTE). He is responsible for policies related to micro-organisms used as active substances in plant protection products. Within the EU Biopesticide Working Group which he co-chairs, he has produced four amending Regulations concerning placing on the market of microbiological active substances and plant protection products, and other related policies such as Commission Communications listing relevant test methods and guidance documents, and “Explanatory Notes” to the data requirements on micro-organisms. He holds a Master of Biotechnology from the University of Bari (Italy) and completed his thesis on food microbiology. Moreover, he achieved an advanced postgraduate Master by Research of Agricultural Science at the University of Adelaide (Australia), carrying out his research on plant genomics and plant pathology.


Rüdiger Hauschild

Applied Insect Science (APIS), Germany

Rüdiger Hauschild is Managing Director Biocontrol at APIS Applied Insect Science GmbH and working on active substance approval and product authorization of biocontrol agents. Since 2005, he was involved in more than 70 dossiers in the EU for microorganisms, natural substances and semiochemicals. He has been closely involved in the development of regulation of biocontrol and was involved in several EU research and policy initiatives, and is active in OECD, EU Commission, and IBMA working groups.


Marija Horvat

Novonesis, Denmark

Marija Horvat has obtained her Master’s degree in Phytomedicine from the Agricultural Faculty in Zagreb, and a Master’s degree in Sanitation from the Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb. With more than twenty years of experience, she has demonstrated a broad understanding of plant protection through various positions in development, product stewardship, and regulatory affairs areas, within different multinational chemical and biotechnology companies. In her current role as a Regulatory Affairs Manager at Novonesis, she is responsible for the development and implementation of the regulatory strategy for biological solutions.


Patrick Kabouw

Novonesis, Denmark

Patrick Kabouw is a Regulatory Manager at Novonesis, a world pioneer in BioSolutions. His mission is to foster innovation and collaboration within the biocontrol community. In agriculture, Patrick's career centers on biocontrol, specializing in crafting optimal registration strategies for biocontrol solutions such as beneficial microorganisms, naturally derived enzymes, seed treatments, and environmentally friendly proteins. He actively contributes to several industry associations such as CropLife Europe's Biopesticide group, Euroseeds, and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association as a moderator for the natural substances group.


Dimitrios Karpouzas

University of Thessaly, Greece

Dimitrios Karpouzas is a Professor of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology and the Head of Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology University of Thessaly, Greece. His research focuses on Effects of pollutants on the ecology and function of soil microbial communities, microbial metabolism of pesticides in soil, isolation and characterization of pesticide-degrading microorganisms and study of their genetics and ecology.


Aude Kienzler

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy

Aude Kienzler is a Scientific Officer at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). She has over 10 years of experience within the Agricultural Sector, holding both a Masters and a Doctorate degree in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Toxicology.


Dominik Klinkenbuß

Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany

Dominik Klinkenbuß is a Scientific Officer at the Germany Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) since 2020. After studying plant biotechnology at the Leibniz University Hannover he worked in the field of science communication on STEM subjects.


Anne Kortstee

Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

Anne Kortstee is an Efficacy Expert at the Dutch Board for the Authrorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) and has broad experience for over 8 years with the evaluation of active substance and plant protection product dossiers involving micro-organisms, peptides and other novelties. The efficacy experts have an important role in the evaluation of the biological properties and the mode of action.

Mc Cahon

Peter Mc Cahon

Greenlight Bioscience

Peter Mc Cahon joined GreenLight Biosciences in 2022 and leads their Regulatory Affairs team. He has more than 25 years of experience in the agriculture sector and meeting regulatory challenges in different regions. He began his industry career as an environmental toxicologist and has held various positions in the Regulatory and Development departments of several multinational agrochemical companies in France, Germany and the USA.


Matt Orr

Vestaron Corporation, United States

Matthew Orr is Vice President of Regulatory Affairs with Vestaron Corporation. He is responsible for leading domestic and international registration activities, providing oversight of Vestaron’s internal GLP laboratories, and representing Vestaron in industrial associations and task forces. Prior to this role he spent 10 years as a Global Registration Manager for insecticides at BASF. At the start of his carrer he worked as a research chemist and consultant in the pharmaceutical industry.


Nina Ortiz

US Evironmental Protection Agency, United States

Nina Ortiz is responsible for product characterization and human health reviews at the Emerging Technologies Branch in the Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division of the US Environmental Protection Agency. A Biologist by training, Nina holds a PhD from the University of Texas at El Paso.


Tess Renahan

PETA Science Consortium International, Germany

Tess Renahan advises PETA Consortium International e.V. on advancing robust non-animal testing methods that protect human health and the environment, with a focus on the assessment of plant protection products and biocides. She has a PhD in Developmental Biology from the Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen in Germany.

Van Hende

Eva Van Hende

Biotalys, Belgium

Eva Van Hende joined Biotalys in March 2022. She has over 10 years of experience in the crop protection industry. Prior to joining Biotalys, she held a global managerial role in the Crop Protection division of Eastman BVBA. She was leading the global regulatory affairs team for crop protection during 5 years, and prior to that she was leading the innovation team and managing the marketing of a new crop protection technology. Eva Van Hende is a chemical bio-engineer and holds a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Ghent (UGent), Belgium. She is an MBA-candidate at Vlerick Business School.


Michael Werner

Syngenta, Switzerland

Michael Werner brings together a diverse educational background in chemical and biological sciences, complemented by substantial expertise as a Regulatory Affairs Manager in the crop protection industry. Michael joined Syngenta's Regulatory Affairs department in 2014 and has since held various global and regional positions. For over seven years, Michael has been actively engaged in the registration of biocontrols and biostimulants and currently leads Syngenta’s Europe Regulatory Biologicals Team.

van Etten

Jacobijn van Etten

Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

Jacobijn van Etten is project manager and coordinator of the GreenTEAM at Ctgb (the Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides). She has extensive experience with biocontrol dossiers for both substances and products. Jacobijn likes the challenges of innovative dossiers and seeks to be supportive to the green ambitions of notifiers.



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