Genetic Toxicology within the Framework of the Plant Protection Regulation

Dive into the intricacies of genetic toxicology and meet the regulatory requirements specific to plant protection products This training is aiming to give you the basic knowledge of genetic toxicology within the framework of Regulation 1107/2009, with an overview of assay conduct, data generation and evaluation.

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Online Training
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This training is aiming to give you the basic knowledge on genetic toxicology within the framework of Regulation 1107/2009, with an overview of assay conduct, data generation and evaluation. This will be delivered virtually in a compact format of an intensive morning and afternoon session with the opportunity to ask questions.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn all about regulatory approved genotoxicity tests
  • Learn the relevance of historical control data
  • Learn different types of DNA damage and get an overview on DNA repair
  • Learn about gene mutation and chromosomal damage, data generation and evaluation
  • Learn how to use in vivo mammalian genotoxicity follow-on approaches

Who should attend this training?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Toxicology
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Exposure assessment
  • Risk assessment
  • Registration
  • Regulatory & government affairs
  • Monitoring & computer modelling

Sectors that should take part:

  • Agrochemical industry
  • Professional associations
  • Consultancies

Picture Credit: © mitay20 – AdobeStock, © studioworkstock – AdobeStock



PLEASE NOTE: The indicated times refer to Central European Summer Time CEST.

For further time zones, please view here.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024 | 10:00 – 15:15
Login Time
Start of the Online Training

Welcome address by the organisers and introduction by the trainer

Introduction and overview of genotoxic damage and data generation in the context of Regulation 1107/2009
  • Types of DNA damage and an overview of DNA repair
  • Overview of the regulatory approved genotoxicity tests available in the context of Regulation 1107/2009, guidance on groundwater metabolites and guidance on the establishment of the residue definition
  • Relevance of historical control data to aid assay acceptability and data interpretation
Short break
In vitro bacterial and mammalian gene mutation damage, data generation and evaluation
  • Bacterial (reverse) gene mutation assay overview and data interpretation
  • Mammalian (forward [tk / hprt]) gene mutation assay overview and data interpretation
Questions and answers
Lunch break
In vitro mammalian structural and numerical chromosomal damage, data generation and evaluation
  • Mammalian micronucleus assay overview and data interpretation
  • Why the mammalian chromosomal aberration assay does not address aneugenicity
Short break
In vivo mammalian genotoxicity follow-on approaches
  • Rodent bone marrow micronucleus assay overview and data interpretation
  • Rodent comet and transgenic assay overview and data interpretation, and which one to use.
Questions and answers
End of the online training





Damian Bowen


Damian Bowen is the Technical Director of Toxicology at ERM in Harrogate, United Kingdom, within the ERM Crop Protection/Product Stewardship Team with more than 20 years experience in the field of mammalian toxiciology. This includes time spent study directing a wide variety of genetic toxicology assay endpoints. He has numerous conference posters and written about refinement, reduction and replacement of existing genotoxic animal models. Since 2010 he joined the regulatory affairs area, covering Crop Protection, Biocides and REACH, sitting across projects to provide genotoxicological expertise, testing strategies and advice.



Online Training
This training is going to be held online.
You can reach us directly at:
Telefon : +49 231 75896-50

Preise & Leistungen

Teilnahmepreis: € 595,00 zzgl. MwSt.

Im Teilnahmepreis sind folgende Leistungen enthalten:

  • Teilnahme an der Online-Veranstaltung
  • Teilnahme-Zertifikat
  • Veranstaltungsdokumentation (zum Download nach dem Training)

Vertreter:innen einer Behörde oder einer öffentlichen Hochschule erhalten einen ermäßigten Teilnahmepreis von € 495,00 zzgl. MwSt. (Nachweis per Fax oder E-Mail erforderlich). Der Sonderpreis ist nicht mit anderen Rabatten kombinierbar.

Bei gemeinsamer Anmeldung aus einem Unternehmen erhalten die dritte und jede weitere Person 15 % Rabatt.

Buchen ohne Risiko
Die Teilnahme an unseren Online-Veranstaltungen können Sie bis zu 1 Woche vor Veranstaltungsbeginn kostenfrei und ohne Angabe von Gründen schriftlich stornieren. Bei späteren Stornierungen sowie bei Nicht-Login zur Online-Veranstaltung können keine Teilnahmegebühren erstattet werden.
Sie erhalten jedoch in diesem Fall von uns nach der Veranstaltung Zugang zu den Dokumentationsunterlagen.
Eine Ersatzperson können Sie jederzeit kostenfrei benennen.

Sabine Mummenbrauer

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Sabine Mummenbrauer
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-82

Sabine Mummenbrauer

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Sabine Mummenbrauer
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-82

Sabine Mummenbrauer

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Sabine Mummenbrauer
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-82

Jennifer Zerth

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Jennifer Zerth
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement

+49 231 75896-79

Jennifer Zerth

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Jennifer Zerth
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement

+49 231 75896-79

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Telefon: +49 231 75896-48


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