Processing Factors: Calculation and Use

During this online training course, you will receive an introduction to processing factors, covering data requirements, the calculation itself as well as the use of processing factors in dietary risk assessments.

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Online Training
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Processing studies are a small part of the regulatory data package for active substances, but the data extracted from these studies has the potential to demonstrate consumer safety and compliance with MRLs. During this training course, you will receive an introduction to processing factors, covering the data requirements and how to calculate a processing factor. The use of processing factors in dietary risk assessments and their use in compliance with MRLs will also be covered.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain an overview of the use of processing factors in dietary risk assessments
  • Learn about data requirements and the derivation of processing factors
  • Understand how to show compliance of processed commodities

Who should attend this training?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Regulatory affairs
  • Hazard, exposure and risk assessment
  • Product safety

Sectors that should take part:

  • Pesticide industry
  • Competent authorities, regulatory bodies and research institutes
  • Consultancies
  • Professional associations

Picture credits: © mentalmind – shutterstock



PLEASE NOTE: The indicated times refer to Central European Time CET.

For further time zones, please view here.

Wednesday, 8 February 2023 | 9:00 – 13:00 CET
Welcome address
Introduction to processing factors
  • Regulatory data requirements
  • Derivation of processing factors
Use of processing factors
  • Conducting refined dietary risk assessments
  • Setting MRLs on processed commodities
  • Demonstrating compliance of processed commodities
Summary and Discussion





Hannah Bayley

Exponent, United Kingdom

Hannah Bayley holds a BMedSci Medical science honours degree from Oxford Brookes University. Following her studies, she acquired experience in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic study coordination for a leading CRO where her role included the planning and reporting of multidisciplinary projects including in-vivo metabolism, pharmacokinetic, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) and quantitative whole-body autoradiography (QWBA) studies. Her experience also encompasses quantitative data analysis and interpretation. During her time at Exponent she has developed within the chemical regulation and dietary exposure team, were she continues to manage and contribute to a multitude of regulatory submissions including active substance approvals, product authorisations, MRL applications and import tolerance applications for crop protection chemicals. Additionally, she regularly prepares and coordinates the submission of residues and toxicology dossiers for evaluation by the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) to influence Codex MRLs.


Nell Townsend

Exponent, United Kingdom

Nell Townsend is a pesticide residues and dietary exposure specialist with broad experience evaluating studies and conducting consumer risk assessments for registration of crop protection chemicals. Her expertise includes evaluating residue and metabolism data packages, conducting data gap analyses and preparing EU regulatory dossiers. Her experience also includes the assessment of physical, chemical and technical properties of pesticides and biocides (including product families) and the evaluation of methods of analysis. She provides expert scientific support to clients on the practical, technical, and regulatory aspects of pesticide and biocide dossiers to support active substance approvals or product authorisations.



Online Training
This training is going to be held online.
You can reach us directly at:
Telefon : +49 231 75896-50

Preise & Leistungen

Teilnahmepreis: € 495,00 zzgl. MwSt.

Im Teilnahmepreis sind folgende Leistungen enthalten:

  • Teilnahme an der Online-Veranstaltung
  • Teilnahme-Zertifikat
  • Veranstaltungsdokumentation (zum Download nach dem Training)

Vertreter:innen einer Behörde oder einer öffentlichen Hochschule erhalten einen ermäßigten Teilnahmepreis von € 395,00 zzgl. MwSt. (Nachweis per Fax oder E-Mail erforderlich). Der Sonderpreis ist nicht mit anderen Rabatten kombinierbar.

Bei gemeinsamer Anmeldung aus einem Unternehmen erhalten der dritte und jeder weitere Teilnehmer 15 % Rabatt.

Buchen ohne Risiko
Die Teilnahme an unseren Online-Veranstaltungen können Sie bis zu 1 Woche vor Veranstaltungsbeginn kostenfrei und ohne Angabe von Gründen schriftlich stornieren. Bei späteren Stornierungen sowie bei Nicht-Login zur Online-Veranstaltung können keine Teilnahmegebühren erstattet werden.
Sie erhalten jedoch in diesem Fall von uns nach der Veranstaltung Zugang zu den Dokumentationsunterlagen.
Einen Ersatzteilnehmer können Sie jederzeit kostenfrei benennen.

Claudia Werner

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Claudia Werner
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-83

Claudia Werner

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Claudia Werner
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-83

Claudia Werner

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Claudia Werner
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-83

Danielle Sörries

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Danielle Sörries
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement

+49 231 75896-74

Danielle Sörries

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Danielle Sörries
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement

+49 231 75896-74

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Telefon: +49 231 75896-48


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