Sustainability and Recyclability of Food Packaging

This conference will explain the recyclability of food and non-food packaging materials besides PET – putting mechanical and chemical recycling in perspective.

It will be also discussing packaging from renewable raw materials – between sustainability and consumer misleading.

Online Conference | Die Akademie Fresenius GmbH
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Recyclability of packaging materials besides PET

  • Draft EU Regulation on recycled FCM plastic materials
  • Overview on chemical recycling of plastic waste
  • France’s way for plastic free packaging
  • Challenges for the cosmetics and detergents industry
  • Follow-up on recycled plastics in food industry with a view from operational deployment
  • Recyclability – view from the perspective of a plastic recycler who took over the material from a sorting company

FCM from renewable raw materials

  • Sustainable developments of consumer products in the focus of official control laboratories
  • Recyclable laminates with barrier – update from the applied research side

Who will benefit from this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Analysis
  • Quality assurance & control
  • Product safety
  • Raw material control
  • Regulatory affairs & support
  • Research & development
  • Toxicology

Sectors that should take part:

  • Food and beverage industry
  • Food trade
  • Packaging industry
  • Cosmetics industry
  • Detergents and cleaning products manufacturers
  • Food inspection offices
  • Laboratories
  • Research institutes
  • Authorities
  • Professional associations

Picture Credit: © Evgeniya Mokeeva, colematt – iStock, Microstocker.Pro – AdobeStock



PLEASE NOTE: The indicated times refer to Central European Summer Time CEST.

For further time zones, please view here.

Monday, 12 September 2022

Morning Session | 9:00 – 11:50
Welcome address by Akademie Fresenius and introduction by the Chairs

Thomas Gude, SQTS Swiss Quality Testing Services, Switzerland
Thomas Simat, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany

Recyclability of further materials besides PET
Draft EU Regulation on recycled plastics in food packaging (FCM)
  • New aspects introduced by draft Commission Regulation in the EU on recycled plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods
  • Key comments from stakeholders provided to the European Commission on this draft regulation
  • Clear obligations for operators and competent authorities
  • Update on the new E-submission platform for submitting an authorisation dossier in the EU on the recycling processes

Ioan Paraschiv, Knoell NL, The Netherlands

Mechanical and chemical recycling of packaging plastics waste – status and outlook from a technical point of view

Dieter Stapf, Head of Institute for Technical Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

France’s transition to circular economy
  • Anti-waste law, national 3R strategy, 3R decree and other measures to support the government’s goal of phasing out all single-use plastics by 2040

Martin Foe, French Plastic and Flexible Packaging Association (Elipso), France

Follow-up on recycled plastics in food industry but with a view from operational deployment
  • The Nestlé supply chain for recycled plastics
  • GMP parameter

Lionel Spack, Nestlé, Switzerland

Afternoon Session | 12:50 – 16:10
How to choose the material? How much recycling is in cosmetics and detergents? Analytical challenges, e.g. analytical test methods to determine the contamination level of PCR (Post-Consumer Recycled Material) in mixed packaging waste

Thomas Gude, SQTS Swiss Quality Testing Services, Switzerland

How does the cosmetics industry handle it? What could be a methodological procedure? Background and toxicological assessment (which process to achieve the goal?), perspective from CosPaTox (Cosmetics, Packaging and Toxicology)

Silvia Apprich, University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Austria

Recyclability – view from the perspective of a plastic recycler who took over the material from a sorting company
  • Experience and realistic facts of the LVP material recycling processes (focus on polyolefine PIR)
  • Mechanical-chemical background of the whole process
  • Difficulties to fulfill customers’ expectations regarding colours, EFSA, EN 71 etc

Manica Ulcnik-Krump, Interseroh Plastics R&D, Slovenia

FCM from renewable raw materials
Sustainable developments of consumer products in the focus of official control laboratories

Christophe Goldbeck, Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe (CVUA-MEL), Germany

Recyclable laminates with barrier – update from the applied research side

Sven Sängerlaub, Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (IVV) and Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany




Silvia Apprich

University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Austria

Silvia Apprich is the Head of the Bachelor and Master degree programmes in Packaging Technology and Sustainability as well as Sustainable Resource Management at the FH Campus Wien (University of Applied Sciences Vienna). She has been working at FH Campus Wien for more than 6 years as a lecturer and researcher. She completed her diploma studies in food and biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, where she also did her PhD in the area of food chemistry. At the FH Campus Wien, she was very much involved in the conception of the Bachelor's programme in Packaging Technology and played a key role in the development of the Master's programme in Packaging Technology and Sustainability.


Martin Foe

French Plastic and Flexible Packaging Association (Elipso), France

Martin Foe joined Aptar in 2013 as Head of Regulatory Affairs Aptar Beauty + Home EMEA, and since January 2020 he has held the position of Senior Manager and leads global regulatory affairs for both the Beauty + Home and Food + Beverage segments of the Aptar Group. Before joining Aptar, Martin Foe co-created and managed for 10 years the consulting firm Nutralis specialized in scientific and regulatory affairs in Clermont-Ferrand. He then worked as a regulatory expert in expatriation for 5 years in Belgium for the Puratos group and in the Netherlands for the Danone group. Martin Foe has chaired the Food packaging and cosmetics commission at the Elipso federation since 2017. In parallel, Martin Foe has over 14 years experience in lecturing regulatory affairs at Institut Polytechnique Lassalle Beauvais and other French universities. He worked for several years as an expert with ANVAR (now OSEO). Martin Foe is the author of numerous international publications and chapters in collective works.


Christophe Goldbeck

Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe (CVUA-MEL), Germany

Christophe Goldbeck is a state-certified Food Chemist and has been active for many years as an expert in the field of consumer goods. At the Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe (CVUA-MEL), he works in the field of consumer goods, cosmetics and tobacco and has over 15 years of experience in the area of consumer goods.


Thomas Gude

SQTS Swiss Quality Testing Services, Switzerland

Thomas Gude has been the Deputy Head of SQTS, Switzerland, for over 18 years. He is heading the laboratories dealing with food and non-food analysis as well as with risk assessments.


Benedikt Hanschmann

Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (IVV), Germany

Benedikt Hanschmann is a Chemical Engineer and has been working as a Junior Scientist in the fields of process engineering and polymer recycling at the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (IVV) since 2021.


Ioan Paraschiv

Knoell NL, The Netherlands

Ioan Paraschiv is a Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager at Knoell NL in the Netherlands. He provides regulatory and technical support on authorisation of new food contact materials (FCM) substances in key markets such as EU, UK, Switzerland, USA, Canada (voluntary system), China, Japan and Mercosur, and on the registration of industrial chemicals under EU-REACH. He holds a PhD degree in Physical-Organic Chemistry from Wageningen University, the Netherlands.


Lukas Prielinger

University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Austria

Lukas Prielinger has been working as a Researcher and Scientific Assistant in the Department of Packaging Technology and Resource Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna since 2020. He has background knowledge in food science, food technology and chemistry. As a project manager of the CosPaTox project, he has experience in the safety assessment of packaging materials with a focus on post-consumer recycling materials.


Thomas Simat

Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Thomas Simat has been a Professor and the Chair of Food Science and FCM at the Technische Universität Dresden with research on FCM since 2003. He is a member of the ‘German BfR Committee on Consumer Products’’.


Lionel Spack

Nestlé, Switzerland

Lionel Spack is a Senior Expert Food Contact Materials in Corporate Operation-Quality Management at Headquarter of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A in Vevey. He was previously FCM Expert within the Nestlé Quality Assurance Center (NQAC) supporting the Zone EMENA (Europe, Middle East, North Africa). Earlier he was Packaging QA specialist at the Nestlé Research Center. He is involved in international associations, e.g. in the International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC), Schweizerische Verpackungsinstitut-Joint Industry Group and FoodDrinkEurope.


Dieter Stapf

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Dieter Stapf is a Professor and holds a Chair in High Temperature Process Engineering at the KIT Faculty of Chemical Engineering and is the Head of the Institute for Technical Chemistry. With the aim of sustainable industrial production within a Circular Economy, his areas of research are thermochemical processing of waste to chemicals, of waste to energy and of biogenic energy carriers. He focusses on pyrolysis, gasification, and combustion technology research as well as on techno-economical process evaluation and energy system analysis. Dieter Stapf has over 20 years of working experience with thermochemical processing in industry and academia.


Manica Ulcnik-Krump

Interzero Plastics R&D, Slovenia

Manica Ulcnik-Krump is a Chemist and joined Interzero in 2008. She is the Managing Director of Interzero Plastics R&D in Slovenia and the Leader of Research & Development at Interseroh in Germany. She was largely responsible for the development of the recycled plastic Procyclen, which Interzero produces in the specially developed upcycling process Recycled-Resource.



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Weitere Termine für diese Veranstaltung:

26.09.2023,  Online Conference

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